ABD(Auto Business Division) Business Planning Seminar 2016

Issuing Time : Fri Nov 13 17:11:16 CST 2015
Heads from the seven business group of Brandmax ABD returned to the headquarter in Guangzhou from other cities in China to make the report on 2015 performance summary, share with each other about the business results, experience and business planning in 2016; Mr. Zhang Li, ABD General Manager announced the 2016 general target and development direction.

The Head in charge of ABD strategic management introduced the new DOH budget principles in 2016. Finally   responsible persons in all business groups discussed the issues on cost optimization, new products and business development. Brandmax’s ABD is quite clear about the opportunities and challenges as well as the goal for next year and they bring about the strategy and implementation plan in details to lay the foundation for the enhancement of the future performance.

Brandmax Marketing initiates the marketing revolution based on customer’s demand.Next year, Brandmax Marketing will make further research for some frontier fields based on customer demand and different industry to provide more innovative BTL services.

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